
This page contains the information a candidate for Secretary of the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) needs to know. Be sure to first read what any EC candidate needs to know.

Note: regarding the office description, it is important to know the tasks of EC members for a given year, considering what is defined in the Charter and Regulations, are proposed by the EC of the previous year. This proposal may be the object of changes during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the EC members are elected by decision of AGM participants, either due to a specific proposal or as a result of Charter or Regulations changes.


The IAPS EC proposed the following tasks for the Secretary:

  • Write and keep track of the EC meetings minutes
  • Keep track of tasks within IAPS
  • Keep track of the deadlines
  • Update the archive, work with archivist
  • Organise IAPS Contact Network
  • Manage the announcements list

Useful skills

  • Availability, as many people want to talk to you to get more information on IAPS
  • Multitasking and versatility, to follow the work of other EC members while handling your own
  • Reliability, so that EC meeting minutes are accurate and find their way quickly to members so they can follow the EC’s work
  • Motivational spirit, as it might be necessary to call other EC members to their responsibilities

What to expect right after the AGM

  • Your first official EC meeting, still during ICPS, including the outgoing EC (remember to take the minutes)
  • Your handover meeting with the outgoing Secretary
  • Update the IAPS documents as they were agreed on at the AGM

What to expect during the year

  • Preparing EC meetings in coordination with the other EC memebers
  • Writing the minutes of each EC meeting, being replaced whenever necessary
  • Communicating with the archivist to check if everything is well organised
  • Reaching out to other EC members reminding them of their momentary specific tasks

Are you ready to run? Go back here and check how you announce your candidature.

Thinking of Taken, one could say you don’t need money to be the Secretary; all you need is a particular set of skills matching those described above!